This site is a favorite source for those over 55, baby boomers and anyone who has seniors in their life. Many of the products and services presented are parents to children or children to parents solutions.

Seniors are Suseptible to Sliders Stealing at Gas Stations.


Everywhere (see news casts) people who are called "sliders" by the police, are stealing people blind at gas stations while you are pumping gas. Always have someone in your car, or lock it when you are pumping your gas:

Here are videos of newscasts that show this. This is real folks. If it hasn't happened yet where you live, that's great. Now you know, now you can be prepared! Lock your doors when you go into the gas station, be aware of your surroundings at all times!



and pasting it in your email or just telling them to visit: Senior Source. You may save someone from a lot of trouble!!!

Seniors Save Money on Everything from Dental to Hospital Billing Advocacy at

Health Care Packages

For those who have had questions about 
how to just get information before you 
choose a package, here are two pictures 
to show the two options.

If you only want information, please CLICK ON: “CONTACT US” from the MY BENEFITS list and this page will open. Complete the form but (IMPORTANT): Choose AmeriPlan ® IBO option from the “Referred By” from the scroll down menu. Then in the next box, be sure to enter number: 40791297 and then double check to be sure the number is correct. Then someone will be in touch soon.

If you have questions, please leave a message at 218-464-6777 anytime, day or night. We'll get back to you. This is too important to not have all of your questions answered!

If you are ready to choose your package plan, follow the following steps by first clicking the red "Get Started" button at the top left of the page. You'll then complete a short registration and this opens a page that displays our packages.

No limits to the number of visits.
·         Choose from almost 30,000 dental providers in the AmeriPlan network.
·         25% to 80% savings on dental procedures performed by a Program dentist.
·         More than 12,000 optical providers nationwide including most national chains such as LensCrafters, Pearle Vision, Sears and JC Penney.
·         Save 20% to 60% on all frames, lenses, tints, scratch-resistant coatings and ultra-violet protection.
·         More than 56,000 retail pharmacy locations across the country**, including most national chain pharmacies, such as CVS, Wal-mart, Target and Walgreens participate in the AmeriPlan program.
·         Save 10%-85% on most brand name and generic prescription drugs***
·         30%-50% savings on chiropractic care through our network of more than 7500 private chiropractors.

When and if you have questions when and after you purchase, 
you’ll have the ability to speak to a real human; this is a great company 
with great customer service.

Alright already, we know the depressing news that is everywhere about being broke as seniors; let's do something about it!

Retired and broke: Social Security and the struggle to make it last; 
friends we don’t have to live this way!

You can watch the informative but depressing video here just released by Yahoo News that states the facts, and yes they are real and hitting very close to home for seniors. 

But here’s a video that first presents the dire facts thatare facing everyone; not just seniors, and then offers a solution! We need to think differently. The past is the past. Let’s deal with the facts as they are. Either there are no jobs, or you are working jobs you don’t like, or too many jobs or whatever. Stop the madness. Check out ways to bring income in while you are enjoying your life.

Save Money/Make Money Video (Paid for by the company marketing team). 

Check out this company that offers I.D. PROTECTION as a standard option within their SAVINGS DISCOUNT PROGRAM by listening to a short descriptive recording and then if interested in getting more details, visit this site: To hear the short recording, visit: (Please don’t let the name of this site detour you from visiting if you are not seeking a home based business. It will touch on that but it also offers the details about the I.D. Protection service).
Get a free SAVINGS CARD by watching an 8 minute video; really! It’s paid via their marketing department. The card is worth $100!~

An answer to Identity Theft for Seniors

An open letter to my senior friends- 
With all the news about I.D. Theft and how it hurts us, I wanted to share how I found a company that offers I.D. protection as part of their overall DISCOUNT SAVING PLANS. If interested in learning how to protect yourself, please listen to the short recording at the site mentioned below. I will also have other articles in the future about this growing concern. In the meantime check this out, and also leave your comments. Thanks.
Hello Friend, (Will Rogers said that a friend is just someone I haven’t met yet).

The purpose of this communication is to let you know that I have started a new business working from home. I am really excited about the company we are working with, it’s called AmeriplanUSA.

I have been looking for work at home for some time and I finally found a company that pays daily, and offers training. The neat part is that there are many people that are having amazing success with this company. As a matter of fact, many of the team leaders that I work with have been featured in work at home magazines!

Do you know of anyone that is looking for extra ways to generate additional income from home? If so, please feel free to forward to them my website
You can listen to a recorded prospecting call You can even listen to our live training calls. This is a great way for you to see if this company is what you are looking for.

Our company offers fast track bonuses of $250, $500, $750, $1,000, $1,250. We also have a 5-a-month Club Bonus of $2,500. We also have a Cadillac Program that I'm racing for!

Thank you in advance for any referrals and I'll talk to you soon!
Ter Scott

Tough economy causes seniors to choose discount savings plans and income options

 Those over 55 take the jobless rate into their own hands and make positive income changes by exploring self employment. Those who are in retirement make part time income changes and also offer these options to those they love who are hurt by unemployment. The video that follows reveals startling statistics and offers a solution.

The unemployment rate inched down in January to 6.6 percent, the lowest level since October 2008, from 6.7 percent in December.

News for Jobless Rate:

New York Times reports…
For the more than 10 million Americans who are out of work, finding a job is hard. For the 145 million or so who are employed, getting a raise is even harder.

We know your time is valuable and we appreciate you taking time out to watch our 8-minute "Save Money/Make Money" video online. Just for watching this informative video so you'll know how to protect those you love and yourself, you'll get a free gift with no strings attached. It's that important. You need to know that you can make positive changes in your life financially in this tough economy!

We understand that AmeriPlan® may or may not be for you, or the timing just isn't right, but in appreciation for your time, please view the video in its entirety to receive your Free Gift ($100 value). Remember, if you are interested in "Saving Money" or "Making Money", AmeriPlan® is "Delivering on the Promise®" to help you reach all of your dreams!

Seniors, protect yourself when using credit and debit cards.

Concerned about I.D. Theft? Which is more safe, Credit Cards, Debit cards or are we seniors vulnerable with either choice?

Check out a few articles here.

Want to rebuild your credit? Check this out.