This site is a favorite source for those over 55, baby boomers and anyone who has seniors in their life. Many of the products and services presented are parents to children or children to parents solutions.

Get the Power of Health and Rejuvenation from the Gemstone Ruby

Good health is important at any age. Today, as the Color Connection Coach, I will share a bit about the healing qualities of a particular gemstone which is also used as a "color". Please note that I'm not a doctor and the following is not meant as medical advice. However, I do suggest that if you find this interesting that you continue your own research and to consider learning more about my private color connection sessions.  

The following article is one of my Color Reveal Options for this week; it's part of an actual "free online program" about how to become more aware of color and its use in your life. 

With every color reveal, you’ll “assign” your own significance to it along with what I share. When a color is revealed, it typically isn’t “new” to you because you’ve experienced seeing it many times in your life. Here, however, I will “reveal” much more about colors which you may not have thought of as a color before or you may think of the color as a “thing” which is commonly the case. In a moment when I reveal your color (the color you chose for you and to work with this week because you chose this option), you may indeed first think of the “thing” and then the color.

First, let me ask how did you do with last week’s color, that is if you are a regular color client. Did you see the color in things you saw and experienced throughout your week? That usually is the case. I will be vulnerable with my readers right now and confess that for me, reading my color affirmation 3 times daily has been a bit of a struggle. But I persist and never give up. I want you to continue to; even if you only read your card once or twice daily. You could also record it on your phone and play it back several times per day. Reward yourself daily and then weekly after you’ve accomplished reading your affirmation on your 3 x 5 card your definition of your goal (1 time daily for 7 days, a.m. and p.m. for 7 days; etc.).

In today’s color reveal; the color for you to work with this week is RUBY.

See, I told you that you will probably first think of a thing and then think, oh, I guess that is a color.

Ruby is the hardest gemstone, next to a diamond. As a GIA certified gemologist (which I don’t really use so much anymore as I’m no longer selling jewelry), I’m absolutely in love with gemstones and Ruby is one of my very favorites. There is a great sense of “power” and beauty in this beautiful stone.

Words which relate to ruby are dynamism, rejuvenation, strength, stamina, and energy. Also words prosperity, courage, achievement, and motivation. I can feel the “power” of Ruby just by presenting this information to you.

You’ve chosen this color perhaps because you have a major meeting coming up this week and you need courage. Or, you need that motivation to go forward on something you’ve been holding back. Or, you simply need more confidence.

Make no mistake, Ruby is definitely related to something which is concerning your life right now and this week. Wear a ruby ring as you venture out this week. If you don’t have a ruby ring, print out a picture this week and carry it with you and look at it often. Notice other people who are wearing rubies and ask if you can hold their ruby ring or try on their ruby necklace or bracelet. Be brave, have confidence. If they decline your request know that you haven’t lost anything because you weren’t holding the ruby prior to asking, you’re not after asking so nothing had changed. However, if you have the opportunity to hold and admire the ruby, all the better! Bless the person either way.
The overall power of RUBY is to rejuvenate your body (or another area in your life). 

While wearing or looking at RUBY, state: “Divine Healer, please rejuvenate this area (name the area) and remove all pain, stress, and any tiredness. Infuse this area with new healing, and revitalizing energy”.

Write that on your weekly 3 x 5 card along with this affirmation and recite both 3 times daily: “(Name the affected area) is now rejuvenated, fully alive and energized”.

Do you have a picture which illustrates the color BLUE which we can use to decorate this article? If so, we’ll give you photo credit and link it to your website. Use our contact form and we’ll reply via email for you to attach your jpg photo and web link.
To cement your actions with the Universe (and help others reading this), leave your comments below. 

If you would like answers to your questions or have comments about the Color Reveal BLUE, please place them below. If you want to know specifically how BLUE can be used in your own life specifically, I suggest that you consider a single Color Reveal Session or other coaching option. For details and fees, please visit here.  

Did you “stumble” upon this article? If so, it’s not by chance; but by choice. Find out why here. 

*PLEASE NOTE: The author is not a doctor or lawyer and is not dispensing medical or legal advice. If you have a need in either area, please seek professional assistance. Also, if and when you purchase a product or service on this page, the author and/or owner of this site may receive remuneration in exchange for researching, compiling and presenting it here.

Experience Health; Experience Ruby.

Enjoy the power of healing through wearing Ruby: