This site is a favorite source for those over 55, baby boomers and anyone who has seniors in their life. Many of the products and services presented are parents to children or children to parents solutions.

FREE SHOPPING CARD when you request details about business...

I'm all about helping seniors succeed and improve their financial situations; big time! 
Click on this picture which will take you to an article I wrote and if interested click on the link in the article to be one of the first to get details about this business when it is launched! 

OK, Guys and Gals; did you ever wish you "got in" before the Internet, Cellphone and other big business waves? There is something very, very big happening over in other countries that is coming to USA that will "disrupt" the way we do things here in America. It means "Financial Freedom" to those who see the potential. I will personally give anyone a FREE SHOPPING CARD to anyone who requests more info; regardless if they partner with me when the business is launched. 

Seniors Make Huge Income Helping Us Market Real Estate Investing School

Tired of being "retired"? Got a little time on your hands and want to make some money; sometimes "big" money???
We offer 5 REAL ways to make money in the real estate investing arena; some requires money and some do not; and it probably is not what you think. We’re not talking wholesaling, flipping, rehabbing, buy and hold, or liens but those are a great 5 ways. These are 5 ways that you can start in just 5 to 10 days and can make up to $10,000 or more; I’m not kidding.

No one has any excuses to not be making money in two weeks following our system.
First let me tell you who I am and who “we” are. If you are a regular reader to this blog, you know me as Ter Scott and I’m an entrepreneur having started and made money with several businesses, and helped thousands of businesses do the same; mostly in the field of marketing. Who “we” are is a Real Estate School that teaches others to be real estate investors, and actually takes them by the hand to do their deals after they “graduate” from the schooling. With our schooling, people can be making 6 figures in 6 months. Who “I” am is a marketing recruiter for the school (I’m also a student and real estate investor myself), and I’m using my marketing experience to build a team of marketers across the country to join me in promoting this great school.

So here is each of the 5 ways you can join me in making real money as part of my team, with a brief description about each. After I share all 5 of these ways, I will tell you how you can contact my office to see if you qualify to join the team.

1.       Become a student of the school and in 6 months or so, you’ll be wholesaling, flipping, rehabbing, buy and holding (having rentals) and/or buying notes, etc. etc. ; all with our help. There is also “Financial Aid” if you qualify.

2.       Become an “Independent Marketing Affiliate” (IMA) with the school and refer others and get (big) commissions per sale (up to $10,000 per sale; with the school’s most popular program). You do invest $125 to be in this position but I can show you a video where one person made $50,000 shortly after choosing this option.

3.       Become both a student and an “Independent Marketing Affiliate”; this is what I did. Many people do both 1 and 2 so they make money while attending school!

4.       Become a “Referral Finder” for me on my team which costs you “zero” in money; just your time and commitment. You don’t pay the $125 to be an IMA and you won’t make as much; only 10% of my commissions from those you refer to me; if the commission is $10,000, you get $1000. You would get camera ready art to print posters and other materials to leave around your area and when people purchase from your posters, you get 10% of my commission. Many IMAs start this way and immediately use money from first paycheck to invest the $125 and get started.

5.        You could become a (Bandit) Sign installer for me and make $50 to $100 per weekend installing signs at intersections in your town with our phone number displayed. You won’t get a commission from this; just quick cash. Again, many people install signs for a while and then save enough to start the IMA option with the $125.
OK, if you’ve read this far, you are serious; at least in doing one or a combination of the above. I know that seniors can be pretty wary about what's on the Internet and I don't blame them!

I wanted to be “up-front” with you and let you know that you really can get started with little or no money. And if you want the full enchilada (the Big School Package) to become a student and learn how to make $40,000 (or more) per deal in just 6 months or so, you may qualify for a loan to pay for it all. I’m all about options! I created 3 of the 5 options above myself to help people succeed! Some people would go through all or some of our 3 part interview process and “drop off the face of the earth” (for reasons I know, because I’ve “been there”, but they didn’t want to share).

So now with the 5 options I’ve listed above, and knowing that you can make money without money, make money with little money, or make money investing in yourself by attending the online school, I believe that you can find the time to go through our 3 step interview process. You may not qualify, but I guarantee, either way, you’ll become a better person by doing this.

You’ll need to leave your name and phone number at our 24/7 answering service: 8 eightyeight, 2 fortyone, 4 zero and 3 one. Someone will return you call the next business day and register you for a 15 minute briefing, and overview, and a Q&A session. After these 3 steps, you’ll speak with either me or another business partner to get you started on your way in one of the 5 options above. (Oh, there is an option 6 and that is to not do anything; and that’s OK too, but at this point you’ll be enlightened having learned about the business). Believe me, you will not get any “high pressure” to start in any of the above options; everything is totally up to you as to what you want to do.
Some ask why they need to go through the 3 step process if they only want to place our promotional materials (#4) or be a sign installer (#5). The reason is that we want you to know we are a real business and know what it is that we do; and, it’s been our experience that when people will not invest in themselves enough to go through the simple 3 step process, they do not follow through with placing promotional materials or installing signs.

This has been a long visit, but I think you’ll find that it is truly worth it when you call us at: 8 eightyeight, 2 fortyone, 4 zero and 3 one and get started (phone # written this way to discourage “robots”).

This definitely could be the start of something very big!

Make it a great day!
Ter Scott

Seniors Supplement Income putting out Bandit Signs?

Earn a quick $50 - $100 with just several hours of work on a Friday night or early Saturday morning. Multiple locations are available so you’ll alternate weekends to increase your earnings.

We start you with 20 signs, as you build a relationship with us we’ll gradually increase the amount of signs we send you.

You’ll use our reporting system to verify sign postings, date and time.

Sound interesting so far?

You could actually earn much, much more; read on...

Great! We are a “different” investing company in the fact that we care about your success; you are not just a bandit sign installer to us. We want you to know what we are about before you start with us; you’ll need to go through a hiring process.

This hiring process is simple but will take several days. We want you to see what we do and how we do it. You can be out putting up signs by this weekend!

We want you to know that our business consists of (and you can be part of):

·        Real Estate Investing School (Online 24/7 Class Availability); this is the phone number on the signs you’ll post.
·        Marketers refer prospective students to our school (Get paid huge fees, from $1000 to $10,000 per student referred).
·        Combination of attending the school and doing the marketing.
·        Or, posting our bandit signs only. (Earn quick weekly cash $50 to $100; depending on area and number of signs put out).

We have had people who just wanted to put out our signs but after seeing what was available, became students, real estate investors, marketers or a combination of the above, that’s why we don’t want to “short change” you. We’ll show you exactly who and what we are and how we do it in 3 short online webinars. Then you’ll know if you want to do the installation only, or one or more of the other options. Since we have material costs involved in getting you the signs to post, having you attend these 3 sessions is our way of qualifying you. If someone will not follow through on these three sessions, he or she will probably not follow through with putting out the signs.

If we sound like a company that you can trust and partner with us to let people know about us in your area, call us at: 8 eightyeight, four hundred 64 and sixtyseven, seventy seven. A staff member will register you to attend a 15 minute briefing, 30 minute overview and then a 30 minute question and answer session. We can then determine which option would be mutually beneficial.

We look forward to hearing from you and thanks for reading this ad.

The only requirements for this position are:
Must be 18 or older
Must have a valid Driver’s License 
Must have current car insurance 
Must have basic knowledge on how to read a map.
Must have a large Vehicle where many signs can fit
You would be a subcontractor; not an employee