This site is a favorite source for those over 55, baby boomers and anyone who has seniors in their life. Many of the products and services presented are parents to children or children to parents solutions.

One Answer to Northland Senior's Drug Costs: FREE DISCOUNT CARD; Save up to 90% on Drugs

Excerpt from: 

Northland seniors share stories about drug costs

As his wife was dying of cancer, Larry Volkenant faced the additional burden of managing the cost of her prescription drugs.
"Some of the medications that were prescribed for my wife at that time were over $400," the Hermantown man told a small group that gathered Monday morning to talk about prescription drug prices.
"Very expensive," said Volkenant, 69, who was left with $1,000 worth of unused drugs that had to be disposed of when Nelly Rose Volkenant died in October 2014, "It was unquestionable that she needed it, that I was going to pay for it."  READ MORE. 
Here is one answer to the high cost of pharmaceutical drugs. It's the InCareRX Discount Card. You can print it from this post, cut it out and put clear tape over it for more durabiliy; then take it to your pharmacist the next time your purchase drugs. People report saving up to 90% on prescriptions! 
Please note that this is not endorsed  by anyone in the article. It is "live" and you can print and use this exact card; 
everywhere in the USA. If you have questions, visit website: 

How Do I Benefit?  Of course we are HIPAA Compliant meaning your Information is disclosed to no one, never sold, never used for solicitation! You save money of course, but also there is no longer a need to shop around for the lowest price! It’s the same low price at each pharmacy (Walgreens often charges more), providing you the freedom to use the pharmacy you enjoy the most.  Unlike other prescription discount cards, your information is never disclosed to third parties, and you will NEVER be solicited for mail order.

Hand the card to the pharmacist when you drop off your prescription and see what kind of discount you get. Brand name drugs will have a typical 10-20% discount with greater savings coming on generics where you can save up to 90% depending on what medication you being prescribed. We've seen some generic discounts even higher!

How does my Pharmacy Benefit? First we bring them more customers, and keep them going there! We don’t compete with pharmacies by offering you mail order, nor do pharmacies have to worry about losing you as a valuable customer based on price.  No other card operates with the high level of customer satisfaction as InCareRx.  It doesn’t cost the pharmacy any less to use InCareRx for you than it does for them to accept an insurance card.

These are the ONLY cards that do not compete with our chain pharmacies with Mail Order, your patients information is NEVER disclosed. Our goal is to send them more customers and keep them going there each month. I love all the calls from those who are saying thanks, and thank you!

View Prices at and you will see we (in the states) are less expensive than even those Canadian ones folks get. 

“Hi, this is a small thing, but to me it was great! My daughter is very sick with strep throat. She missed 2 days from work already, and she has no health insurance. When she got to CVS to fill her prescription, she was told that it would be $69.00. She called me and told me, and I emailed her immediately one of INCARE cards. She showed it to the clerk right from her cell phone, who proceeded to enter the information. The price dropped down to $28! I couldn't believe it! Such great great savings. Now I'm really excited, because if this can help her like that, it can help so many others in the same situation!”

Print this card, save it and use. 
Enjoy your savings! 

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